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Our Top Rated Strip Poker Babes (see all)

Valeria 2 - hot poker girl
Valeria: 7.6/10
Marilyn - hot poker girl
Marilyn: 7.6/10
Sapphira - hot poker girl
Sapphira: 7.5/10
Kristina - hot poker girl
Kristina: 7.5/10
Gloria - hot poker girl
Gloria: 7.5/10
Dominika - hot poker girl
Dominika: 7.5/10
Rebecca 2 - hot poker girl
Rebecca: 7.5/10
Isizzu 2 - hot poker girl
Isizzu: 7.5/10
Lola - hot poker girl
Lola: 7.5/10


Win rate: 72%

Helena Karel is another adult film star with a side interest in poker. To be honest, she thinks it’s all a bit of a laugh. And she’s right – this is strip poker, no money is changing hands. Enjoy!

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  1. G-Man says:

    Very Nice Love Her Stuff

  2. joe says:

    Am I the only one to think she looks like a man?

  3. Get_Em_Naked says:

    Beautiful girl. Shame she’s a porn star. Tough player.

  4. footguy says:

    Another excellent job Pokerchick. Love the site.

  5. cardl says:

    Apart from not understand why her left Garters undone, great games shes hot, tough player.but great fun

  6. Pervert says:

    An ace high flush in the common cards freezed the game.

  7. gus says:

    Joe this is a man, i don’t understand Hold’em …. High rating for ugly girls

  8. gus says:

    plastic tits on a iron table

  9. Fury says:

    @ Gus and joe: Unnessicary comments and just stupid. If a person wants fake boobs then they’ll get fake boobs. If you don’t like it play someone esle.

  10. gus says:

    Fury. I supose this is a site with the best bodys, beautiful girls. helena is a nice girl, but Hold’em must select other kind of girls there are a lot of them, if you prefer fake boobs in a not nice body buy a inflatable doll

  11. Whooot says:

    Love the game, but that tattoo is the most awful thing I ever saw. What a waste of a fine body. Well, that and the plastic tits. Great games though PokerChick.

  12. dxkt says:

    well even with that ugly tatoo which had to be painful i would still lick that pussy lol

  13. BruthaLuv says:

    Quickest game yet – – under 20 hands. Always wonder what people who get tattoos in those areas do during the scabbing/peeling time period – – walk around with no pants on for a few days?

  14. PNF says:

    Cool outfit and tat. Again, small naturals are better than big fakes, (In my opinion Fury and PokerChick – no disrespecting, just stating preference). 🙂

  15. oldvocks says:

    uuuuuwahhhh!!!!! blub……….good looking lady, but difficult to ^^^^..think twice

  16. Sorin says:


  17. Niekie says:

    i just want to eat that pussy,sensual girl.
    Thanks Pokerchick,they just keep getting sexier.

  18. Frenchy says:

    One of the best poker girls. She shows the interior of her pussy by spreading the lips with two fingers … and her asshole on the last picture makes me crazy.

  19. Frenchy says:

    Sorry: I made a mistake …. “One the most beautiful” not “One of the best” Don’t be afraid to play with her.

  20. Baker Delta says:

    Helena has ATTENTION getting boobs ***** and the rest is prime as well. Don’t like the tattoo though. Exotic is a word
    I’d use describing her.

  21. Enarkael says:

    If I can say a word, I must correct something. Helena is not Czech but French (she was born in Marseille, south of France).
    Anyway, great player, pretty face, nice body even if I prefer natural smaller boobs.

  22. B Rad says:

    I like her tattoo and everything she has to offer!

  23. Bobby says:

    Easy game but I would lick that pussy from behind and fuck her dogie style.

  24. Bob says:

    Hot girl. Terrible poker player. I was set to give her 2 thumbs up when she got down to $60 but…at the all in she “just happened” to have pocket aces for a 3 of a kind. The next hand? All in with pocket kings for another 3 of a kind. The third all in she only had one jack, but with the two showing that still beat my strong 2 pair. Still, won in the end.

  25. PokerChick says:

    @Bob – maybe you should record all the times you get lucky with cards, that way you can compile a dossier which shows that YOU must be cheating…

  26. 神智胡子 says:

    sexy face ,nice ass, nice tits, little pussy with nice tattoo. Great!

  27. Mike La'Taurus & Mike Oxbigg says:

    La’Taurus likes the way she spreads her lips in the second to last pic. Mike Oxbigg likes the last pic where she offers a choice of holes.

  28. pixie1128 says:

    nice pussy and tits real fuckable

  29. Sue says:

    I like what Niekie has to say – I just want to eat that pussy too! Thanks PC x

  30. clive ng says:

    middle player!!! last game i have a trio king n she has two pairs a pair of 7 n a pair of king i win this game

  31. Lothario says:

    Wonderful VAMP, bedroom eyes, perfect body and no tan lines. One of the best ladies I have seen on your site. Thanks pokerchick

  32. Bas says:

    Pretty, sexy, experienced player, edible pussy, etc… there is only one problem, she never smile. Luckily many poker chicks do.

  33. + 0.75827790 BTC.NEXT - says:


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