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Our Top Rated Strip Poker Babes (see all)

Valeria 2 - hot poker girl
Valeria: 7.6/10
Marilyn - hot poker girl
Marilyn: 7.6/10
Sapphira - hot poker girl
Sapphira: 7.5/10
Kristina - hot poker girl
Kristina: 7.5/10
Gloria - hot poker girl
Gloria: 7.5/10
Dominika - hot poker girl
Dominika: 7.5/10
Rebecca 2 - hot poker girl
Rebecca: 7.5/10
Isizzu 2 - hot poker girl
Isizzu: 7.5/10
Lola - hot poker girl
Lola: 7.5/10

Eve SweetSpain

Win rate: 78%

Eve is from Barcalona. She know nothing…

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All of Eve Sweet - click for more


  1. Bas says:

    I like to play sweet Eve especially when the signs of winter are on the horizon. She is so hot and being together after a poker game win doubles the thrill. Eve plays easy until the last photo when she starts resisting. But having seen her showing her assets as early as photo3, I was assured of having a good warmup by huddling naked together, and if that does not generate heat then frantic bed dance will do the trick.

  2. clive ng says:

    am still here n fuck all bad comments on me!!! Ana’s is my fan of my big coke!!! hammer my fan too he take my dick in his mouth and be happy!!! small dick dildo dave also my big fan only comment on me n not models!!! so many my fans jealous of my coke in his mouth make very unhappy when me take out!!! ass break slobodon only talk about poop my big fan. candy m n m i piss on all comments!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  3. clive ng says:

    me second!!!

  4. clive ng says:

    3nd n 4nd also!!! take my big coke be happy!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  5. Mike Oxbigg & Mike La'Taurus says:

    Eva was a sweetheart to us mikes. The sexy outfit got better in pic #2 as she dropped the top a bit to expose some of those boobs. Then she goes even further, but still conceals some with her hands. In frame 4 it gets really good as she shows off those full boobs while also spreading her legs to give a nice pussy shot. Then she goes full frontal in the next one. Finally with just those stockings she sits down with her knees spread apart to really invite the mikes to enjoy that pussy. La’Taurus went first and took her standing mish like in the 5th shot. Didn’t last long as Eve talked dirty to him as he pumped away. Afterward, she asked Oxbigg to leave her cream pie along so he had her sit like in the last pic and proceeded to help himself to some Russian, as he stroked away between those big tits. Eve helped out by squishing them together and just as Oxbigg was ready to splooge she grabbed his cock and jammed it into her mouth where he shot his load. She held him there until his cock stopped throbbing and then slowly pulled it out as Oxbigg’s cum dribbled from her mouth. She opened a bit wider and his big load streamed out and ran down her chest between those boobs and finally dribbled further until it mixed the two mikes’s juices together. Eve asked us to cum again when Pokechick puts up another set. Great time had by all.

    The little boy turd went against his statement that he never attacks on the first post. And he failed to mention anything about sexy Eve.

  6. Dildo Dave says:

    The two mikes nailed it! Little boy clive ng proves once again that he is a butthole smeller. He sucks big time. He is back to his old habit of playing the “me first—-futtbuck game without even trying to win the game.

  7. Oldpnf says:

    Sweet is right! Sweet face. Sweet little outfit. Sweet cock sucking lips. SWEET TITS and LEGS. And a sweet pussy juice I want to taste. And I agree the Mikes nailed this one even better than they nailed Eve. The only thing that would make this set sweeter is my cum dripping from her pussy in the last pic.

  8. Footguy says:

    I got sick of this clive ng guy a long time ago. He sounds like a Defecator who would poop on somebody’s toes. He always talks about pussy poop. How about toe jam poop? He makes me so sick and sad.

  9. clive ng says:

    am still here and fuck all comments!!! footguy big pussy poop ass break!!! put your foot in your asshole feel good!!!

  10. The Hammer says:

    What is wrong with you clive the turd? Footguy hasn’t been on here for a long long time and you attack him for no reason. Shut your filthy pie hole!!! You have run so many oldtimers off of here and that has hurt the activity of the game causing long times between new models to play. If you don’t shut up this game might be over. I guess that is what you want. I want the administrator to ban your ass. I hate you so much. I know you are mentally sick. But nobody can stand you being here. Somebody should commit you to a jail for the mentally insane.

    Lock up The Turd (Clive NG – – no genitals).


  11. ''Michaela The Bitch'' says:

    Well, This Time I’ll Be Dirty Nasty Honest Bitch
    And I Will Confess:
    – This Spanish Whore Really Made Me Sweat!
    But Still Like A Real Master Fucker
    I Destroyed Her Barcelona Pussy!
    – By Th3 Way!
    D03$ Anyb0dy Kn0w
    – What Th3 Capt!0n $ay$
    On H3я Tatt00?

  12. Balph says:

    Eve is really nice. W love those tits and pussy.

  13. Bas says:

    @Michaela: The tattoo on Eve’s left side reads “Ausisi Bubu”, but I have no idea what it means.

  14. clive ng says:

    me love u bas!!! put ur big coke in my ass hole n then in my mouth!!! taste good like pussy poop!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  15. Ann says:

    I play this game and cum twice boys join my nickname LittyGirl – ->

  16. Ting says:

    Clive-Clive strange sick turkey.

  17. clive ng says:

    first!!! pussy poop fuck face!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  18. The Hammer says:

    The little pervert boy can’t keep his mouth shut. He has been victimized by his own family members who have sodomized him on a daily basis and often multiple times every day. Even the women in his family have used broom handles and such to “cure his piles “. The trauma these anal attacks have manifested into his perverted personality.

  19. dildo clive says:

    clive ng still here!!! now use many names but always ng!!! small dick my fan n his small dick fit nice in my ass hole!!! after that small dick fan of me put small dick in mouth of clive ng n clive ng take big bite!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  20. All yall okay says:

    WTF is up with these comments, at first it was funny, but now am just concerned.

  21. clive ng says:

    all yall okay pussy poop comment!!! funny not funny search me and attack big ass break!!! put hammer in your ass hole get intelligent!!!

  22. clive ng says:

    WHAT NEXT!!!

  23. clive ng says:

    hahaha am still here nobody can change that don t forget I don t attack in my first comment when a body search me I REPLIES his attack !!!! because of fake clive ng I know he is small dick dildo dave that ass hole dick poop !!!we not have new model to play more than two months very sad !!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  24. clive ng says:

    last comment by copycat clive ng!!! only one real clive ng!!! happy christmas to all my fans but not evil hammer!!! copycat clive ng say dick poop n true clive ng always say pussy poop!!! piss on all comment of copycat ass hole search me again attack me!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  25. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    This is a unique case of schizophrenia. It seems that we have multiple personalities fighting over the same identity. It is likely that this will develop into a battle between the two and the end result will be a most unusual suicide. I have said all along that we are dealing with a very sick person. Too bad and so sad.

  26. clive ng says:

    hahaha if u believe I will suicide dr ass poop look in your ass n saw my big dick come n out!!!!hahaha WHAT NEXT HAHAHA

  27. rebel says:

    Since Adobe has disabled the Flash player, is there any way to play the game?

  28. Dildo Dave says:

    You can just pretend you win and lie about it like that little pervert clive.

  29. Oldpnf says:

    I was hoping PC updates the site to run in one of the newer players.

  30. The Hammer says:

    Yes OldPNF. Poker chick has indicated moving to another platform. We all enjoy this game and it hope to see a stable platform. I must also urge an intolerance to the ongoing irreverent banter. Even as I have participated in my raged at the two poop loving morons.


  31. OldPNF says:

    Gracias Hammer.

    I’m here to look at pussy titties pretty girls and make shitty comments. I suck at poker and want to beat all the girls. It will take me forever but it is worth the fun. Couldn’t care less about the irreverent poop loving nonsense. But to each his or her own. If scat banter gets people off then chat away and keep the kleenex handy.

  32. The Hammer says:

    Hahahahahahahahaha. Good one. By the way, are you PNF and OldPNF? Or are you father and son. Or is there another angle?

    And you aren’t the only one that sucks at poker. Even so you are no doubt way better than that clive idiot. He is little, short and so dumb that when he looks up he can still only see down. And with his poop fetish you’d be right to call him shit for brains.


  33. Ting says:

    Ting say clive-clive never play next game on holdem stripem. Punishment for bad thoughts and bad deeds. Clive-clive bad person. Life work like that. Ting say bye bye to clive-clive good riddance.

  34. OldPNF says:

    I am both PNF and OldPNF. I took a hiatus from the site when I was PNF and when I got back I had become a perverted porn addicted sex deprived old man as opposed to a perverted porn addicted sex deprived young man.

  35. Dildo Dave says:

    Very interesting story OldPNF. Like The Hammer I too see similarities of you with the little boy that calls himself Clive. You are both sex deprived. Both of you are perverts. But there are differences too. The little pervert boy clive ng is sex deprived because he has no genitals. Not sure what is your excuse. Perhaps you were incarcerated in solitary confinement? You say you are addicted to porn while little pervert boy clive ng is addicted to poop. You say you are an old man while clive is doomed to die young because of all is maladies.

    The final difference is that you know about your lot in life while the little boy turd is a clueless moron whose mind is gone from his untreated case of syphilis. And you recognize you have little skills for poker while little boy clive is a clueless dolt.

  36. OldPNF says:

    Glad you approve Dave. Not solitary but prison doesn’t have girls or internet porn. Well not girls I go for.

  37. Dildo Dave says:

    Hey REBEL,
    The game still plays on IE. Verson 11.0.960.17843.

  38. clive ng says:

    AN STILL HERE!!! small sex toy fuck oldpnf asshole!!! i piss on all bad comments!!! old gay man look at ur ass hole sae clive ng big coke go and out!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  39. manny ng says:

    clive brother multi-ficky-fick. stop bully boy clive ng. manny say mommy what u do. mommy spank spank.

  40. clive ng says:

    am still here n nothing sister manny ass break can do!!! u shut up ur mouth!!! i clive ng put big coke in!!! small dick manny ng see my big coke go inside ass hole make u intelligent!!! not telling story of mommy ng!!! little sister sorry not sorry break ass!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  41. Herman Gingfingdingler says:

    I am going to chime in again. What is your problem Clive? You lash out at every single person that comments. Did you get banned from Twitter so you take it out here? Or are you just one of the world’s worst scumbags? Goodness gracious sakes alive! That Dr. Nguyen is right when he psychoanalizes you.

  42. The Hammer says:

    The little pervert boy clive ng is always talking about butt sex. That is because he has been victimized and traumatized thataway since he was a child by numerous people from his own family including his father and grandfather. His mother and grandmother also abused him with broom handles rammed into his butthole.

    He is known as The Turd because of his obsession with poop. He is so ridiculous that his only buddy on here is another weirdo that calls himself “Poopie”.

    So don’t dwell on this guy Mr. Dingler.

  43. clive ng says:

    KICOU!!! am still here n nothing evil hammer can do!!! why all hate clive ng when search me!!! why put disease on clive!!! clive have many friends n many womans with clive ng not virgin!!! stop bad comments on me and make clive big sorry!!! clive ng buy big blade feel very bad put in belly find heart n no more clive for bad comment. WHAT NEXT!!!

  44. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    I fear the Enid near for psychopath Clive. He definitely sounds suicidal today. He has finally realized that he is the bad guy on this board. His sick fetish habits mark him as a likely sex fiend. And nobody likes a sex fiend except another sex fiend. The preoccupation with poop and anything anal is abhorrent to most everyone. Clive is used to bullying everyone and pushback from so many other commentators has demoralized him to the point of having thoughts about slipping a knife into his own belly. He has gone from being the bully to actually being the pussy poop he has called so many of his detractors. And it must really hurt that almost everyone is piling on. Even his friend who is also a coprophiliac is silent now. It’s a pathetic thing.

  45. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    End not Enid. Darned auto fill.

  46. clive the asshole says:

    still here and am biggest asshole ever!!! me love smell of butthole!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  47. Grandma Ng says:

    My grandson Clive embarrasses me. He has always been a rude and crude boy. But his actions and comments here are over the top. When he was a young teenager I caught him sexually abusing my sweet kitten. And he nearly killed the family dog by electrocution. He was also sexually abusive to his little brother Manny. I had to try to teach the little bastard some manners and common decency. His parents and I ultimately had to resort in punishment. I warned Clive that I was going to “cure his piles” if he continued with his verbal and physical assaults. Finally I had no choice and while his father held him still I took my broom handle and rammed it forcefully into his rectum. Clive responded by laughing at me so I repeated the punishment over and over again each time he committed a new offense. Now Clive’s bunghole is so enlarged that if he was to sit on a fire hydrant he would probably slide all the way to the ground.

    I have read the comments of that nice doctor Nguyen. I implore him to suggest what else I can try. Curing his piles didn’t work because now he is totally incontinent and he seems to get a thrill out of pooping often and everywhere.

    I am at my wits end.

  48. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    Sorry for your problems Ms. Ng. Your boy must get counseling and medications. Contact authorities when he goes off the rails again. Be sure to let them know that he is mentally impaired.

  49. Boner Jones says:

    I’m responding on this last model page. I have read your comments too Slaine. You are not as prolific as your friend Clive. But you stir the pot. It isn’t worth my time to address your comments.

    However, I want to clear something up. I have not posted comments using my true name. Boner is not my real first name. You see, my true name is actually Jones Boner. But when I tell people that they always think my last name is Jones. And anyway everyone has always called me Boner. So That is my nickname. And many of the ladies call me Boner for the obvious reason.

  50. clive ng says:

    hahaha kicou many many fan here even fake clive ng n his family IS MY FAN !!!all player in this game KNOW there is one n only clive ng!!!look we have not new model to play during 4 long month !!! I LOVE to play hold em strip em poker nobody change that DAY BY DAY I COME STRONG here I SEE all body just comment on me n I am the STAR OF THAT GAME have many comment on me !!!NOTHING THEY CAN DO 4 THAT!!!

  51. Dildo Clive says:

    The little pervert boy clive likes to troll and tease about showing you his star. He means that he likes to show the star shape of his puckered asshole. At the same time maybe that wasn’t really the pervert boy clive since he didn’t use his signature close.

  52. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    That is a fascinating point of view. This guy is clearly an insane pervert. And I think it is entirely possible that his references to his own “star” actually refers to his anal infatuation. “Star” could very well refer to the attention that he craves for his own anus. I’m only surprised that he didn’t invoke his favorite word: POOP. It is pretty outrageous that the moderator allows a demented person so much run.

  53. Dildo Dave says:


  54. clive ng says:

    KICOU!!! we saw I have 3 comment just on me !!!after we said me I am not the STAR OF THE GAME!!! dildo clive YES I AM a pervert WHAT U CAN DO!!! hey dr fuck died woman in hospital your eye don t open to saw I AM THE STAR!!!hey dildo dave laugh yellow n his jealous I am the STAR !!!

  55. clive ng says:

    hahaha!!!! fake clive copycat!!! star my ass hole star where poop come out very popular!!! I fuck dr you dead woman!!! copycat not me not say WHAT NEXT!!! I love this game n poop!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  56. rocketstrike says:

    Is webmaster still monitoring here?

    How about building in so this can be played again?

  57. The Hammer says:

    I am THE HAMMER!!!

    The little twerpy pervert boy clive seems to have decided to keep his pie hole closed. But if he starts spewing his poop talk again I am ready and prepared to post comments about his sicknesses, both mental and physical. He comes from a sick family although he seems to have a brother he used to bully. And one of his grandmothers wants to see him punished. Perhaps she has locked him away.

  58. Ting says:

    Poop boy clive ng have mouth shut. Clive-Clive worst commentor ever.

  59. Slaine Mac Roth says:

    I enjoy taking a dump more than anything. It’s better than sex for me although playing with poop during sex is wonderful.

  60. Dildo Dave says:

    Hahaha. You are a freaking weirdo!

  61. manny ng says:

    I am sad but also relieved to report that my brother clive has succumbed to his many health issues. He has been in a lot of pain these past few weeks. His physician prescribed opiates to help relieve his pain but he languished in agony as the syphilis that he refused to have treated was eating away at the last vestiges of his brain. He was also racked by the pain of the trauma to his colon caused by repeated frequent violent attacks of sodomy meted out by many of his elder relatives who continued to assault clive’s bung hole; his uncles and grandfather continued with the rapes even as it became obvious that he was dying. Likewise his mother and her mother savagely sodomized clive with broom handles and the like right up until the end.

    There was no funeral. He was promptly cremated and his ashes were then flushed into a septic tank to mingle with the excrement. It was his wish to rest with the thing that defined him. Namely the poop.

    I am reporting this information so that the many players of holdem stripem that clive fought with can have some closure. And for the one or two players that shared clive’s bizarre and disgusting infatuation with poop might learn a lesson from his death.

  62. The Hammer says:

    Thanks for the notification Manny. It’s good to know that the nightmare of your brother is over. It is very fitting that his ashes will mingle with excrement. I consider clive a psyber-terrorist. He was a sick, sick boy. He is better off dead.

  63. Ting says:

    Ting say small prayer for terrible terror Clive-Clive. Ting and yang mean purgatory for him. Eternity in cesspool full of poop horrible fate for most. But little pervert boy see afterlife immersed in poop pool like heaven for guy nickname of Turd.

  64. Hahaha says:

    My name says it all. Purgatory fits the little turd.

  65. Slaine Mac Roth says:

    Some of you may remember me as Sir Poopalot or just Poopie.

    I am absolutely devastated to hear that my friend Clive Ng has passed. He fought back when attacked but he loved this game. I guess it’s fitting that he has died in the midst of Holdem Stripem shutting down. Perhaps he was so devastated that there were no new models anymore that he simply gave up fighting for his life. He had also pretty much stopped defending himself from the assholes that so viciously assaulted him with lies and falsehoods.

    It is true that he was quirky and many people were disgusted with his affection for the word POOP. I am biased because I too am fond of poop. We both experimented with poop play while engaging in sexual intercourse. I mean what is more exciting than having an orgasm while giving or receiving a Cleveland Steamer. I had actually hoped to meet Clive in person one day and trade Cleveland Steamers with him. But now that will never be. I’m having a rough time right now. I have considered joining Clive in the next incarnation.

  66. clive ng says:

    so sad the end of that game !!!we can t play any more in hold em strip em poker!!!but still here nobody u can change that I play another game n I love poker !!!yesterday I am in monaco in france to play hold em poker !!! one D we join me in a casino around the planet don t forget Clive NG !!!the famous clive ng don t afraid of any body here!!!! still here always strong !!! always said pussy poop dick poop ass poop ass hole ass break one man said that in hold em strip em poker is clive ng n the copycat clive ng !!!!bye bye all the player remember clive ng is the STAR OF HOLD EM STRIP EM POKER!!!!BYE BYE HOLD EM STRIP EM POKER!!!IF HAVE NEW MODEL AM HERE TO PLAY HAHAHA THANK U ALL PLAYER!!!!

  67. Dildo Dave says:

    The NG in Clive’s name stands for NO GENITALS ! ! !

  68. The Hammer says:

    The little pervert boy clive ng not only loves talking about poop he likes poop so much that he’s known by his family as a butthole smeller. But according to his brother Manny he died from the untreated syphilis he got from his uncle who used to sodomize him.

    So this “clive” must be a copycat. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to imitate such a sick and sad person.

  69. The Hammer says:


  70. clive ng says:

    okay mister hammer!!! last my comment was another copycat!!! real clive ng told on by manny brother!!! dead is as dead does!!! no one care or miss a turd !!! WHAT NEXT !!!

  71. deceased clive ng says:

    KICOU!!’ am commenting in after life!!! he say dead from my syphilis never see doctor!!! even dead still the star of holdem stripem!!! NOTHING NEXT!!!

  72. Mike Oxbigg & Mike La'Taurus says:

    It was a good run while it lasted. Too bad the game hasn’t been updated with new code.

    As for Clive the Turd, he was not only the most obnoxious user on here but the worst poker player. It too the Mikes to point out that he never commented on the models but just trolled on here because he couldn’t win the game. We choose to believe he has passed on now. Which is good for everyone but especially his family. We embarrassed him into finally making note of the models, and then he just attacked everyone.

  73. Slobodon says:

    The little boy Clive is a TURD. He was born a piece of shit, raised a filthy piece of grunt, and he will be known as a turd long after his demise. Hahaha.

  74. Balph says:

    Hey Slobo! You nailed it!

  75. clive ng says:

    hahaha no comment here!!!!

  76. Dildo Dave says:

    I don’t know who that last comment came from because we now know Clive the Turd died from his untreated case of syphilis. Probably posted by the great imposter, Poopie Poopalot MacRoth. That guy is a Turd Brother.

  77. clive ng says:

    hahaha am here nothing u can do 4 that your name said all no dick in your pant!!!

  78. manny ng says:

    imposter brother dead not dead only syphilis. brother clive carried worse!!! brother mine name of clive suffered fungus of the scrotum!!! very nasty disease!!! poor clive brother watch as flesh eating scrotum fungus dissolve his sack. then with testicles exposed fungus isolate his nuts one by one and slowly sever each one just like leprosy!!! clive no genitals no joke. after clive balls fall off his peepee next to go!!! fungus not stop until find and devour clive heart!!! NOTHING NEXT!!! CLIVE CREMATED!!!

  79. Ting says:

    Ting not sorry clive-clive out of picture. But flesh-eating fungus of the scrotum is a tough way to go. But as ancestors always said, “Bad life often meet bad end. “

  80. Dildo Dave says:

    Haha! Good observation Ting. Sort of gives a new meaning to his last name abbreviation: NG = no-genitals.

  81. THE HAMMER says:

    I keep thinking this absurd story is over. But then a new chapter is revealed. Even after he is dead and gone little clive is unmasked again. This latest revealed that he was victimized by a flesh eating fungus. And not only that sobering revelation but also that it was a fungus of his scrotum. And after devouring his nutsack the fungus continued by attacking his testicles. And on and on until his vital organs also succumbed. And so it turns out that Dildo Dave had the scoop from the get-go.

    Now I can rest. My calling is complete. And as always: I AM THE HAMMER ! ! !

  82. FUNGUS says:

    I am the fungus that nailed little clive boy. I found his scrotum by accident. I was peacefully living in his anus and not attacking him at all. But then one day his daddy and uncle were taking turns sodomizing little clive and with one big thrust disturbed my rest. His daddy pulled out and this peaceful fungus got sucked out at the same time. This fungus latched onto his nutsack and clung for dear life. With nothing else to do this fungus began devouring his scrotum and when it was all gone there were his testicles just hanging there bare. Most people woulda seen a doctor by this time. But the little guy had a bad experience with a doctor name of Nguyen and so he left his goodies intreated

  83. FUNGUS says:

    So left untreated and exposed fungus me proceeded devouring those balls. I could hear little clive whining about it all the time. He would say, “KICOU!!!” Which only made me work faster. You can guess the ending. Hahahahaha!!! WHAT NEXT YOU ASK??? Nothing. The coroner declared that little clive expired by a painful death due to sepsis of his nether region.

  84. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    Interesting turn of events. I’ve encountered a dangerous black fungus that has been maiming COVID patients. So I assume little clive had COVID when the flesh eating fungus maimed and devoured his gonads. It must have been a very painful end.

  85. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    I have learned more about the black fungus. It is prevalent among COVID victims in India and the technical term for it is mucormycosis. The Clive Ng guy used to brag about his travels and said he shagged women in his hotel rooms. It stands to reason that he slept with a hooker in New Delhi and contracted both COVID and this black fungus that maims it’s victims. So I presume the fungus attacked and devoured Clive’s scrotum and then maimed the rest of his genitalia. It must have been an ugly and painful end for him.

    He was a really warped guy and such an end sort of shows how the ying and the yang can play out in what he used to call “this low world. “

  86. Ting says:

    Good doctor understand ying and yang. Man with nasty disposition meet nasty end. Dying in the grip of both pandemic disease and flesh eating fungus of the scrotum perfect example of Chinese ☯️

  87. Ting says:

    Good doctor Nguyen comprehend Chinese philosophy about ☯️

  88. The Hammer says:

    Hahaha. I know it’s not polite to laugh about someone’s demise but the ying and yang story by the good doctor made me laugh. I am enjoying being able to relax now that the little pervert boy clive the turd has passed.

  89. OldPNF says:

    God damn it. I really liked this site. Looks like they’re just going to let it die.

  90. Solution says:

    Just so everyone knows, they have most of the girls on a flashplayer simulator called Flashpoint. Hope they fix the site soon but until then Flashpoint has been working well.

  91. Dildo Dave says:

    A news story just came out of Mumbai. Seven women escorts working the same hotel have been diagnosed with the deadly black fungus. Investigators uncovered the fact that all seven had serviced the same man who apparently infected them. The “infector “ is dead after the black fungus devoured his genitalia. This guy is being compared to Typhoid Mary. Investigators have speculated that they have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg. They fear this guy, who has been identified as one Clive Ng as a result of his postmortem.

  92. The Hammer says:


    It is a good thing little boy clive has passed away. If there is an afterlife then his purgatory must be eternity in a sewer with piss, poop, and rats.

  93. clive ng says:

    hammer hammer hammer kick on his ass never become intelligent in his lifetime!!!!clive ng is always in hammer hammer hammer head because I fuck him he enjoy my big big dick in his ass hole!!!! HAMMER HAMMER HAMMER HONEY IN HIS ASS N SAID ONE MORE TIME PLEASE ONE MORE JUST ONE MORE!!!HAHAHA

  94. The Hammer says:


    Who is the new fake clive the turd?? We know the real clive is dead because his brother Manny Ng told us. Plus the faker didn’t use the signature “WHAT’S NEXT “. But this new sicko has the same mental illness being a pervert who fantasizes about sodomy. I wonder if the new pervert was also molested by male members of his own family. Or maybe he has spent time in prison and lost his donut many times.

    I’ll just call CopyClive.

  95. Dildo Dave says:

    Hahaha. That’s a good one. The new poop boy is CopyClive. I wonder though if he could sodomize you as he my have no genitals like the original one.

  96. clive ng says:

    your name said All !!! dildo dave ass hole have no dick no coke in his pant u are a sex toy after sex toy said me I have no genital one D I INVITE sex toy to come in my hotel around the planet to see have many girls love to fuck them after I make A BLACK GUY SODOMIZE little dildo dave ass break !!!u don t know me u don t talk u shut up your dirty mouth full of poop!!!! no coke no dick in this pant just sex toy to fuck girl !!!! HAHAHA I STILL ALIVE N HERE IN THIS LOWER WORLD NOTHING U CAN DO!!!!

  97. The Hammer says:

    Hahaha. Struck a nerve with little boy CopyClive. Not bad either. You sound pretty much like the dead clive. But you gave yourself away when you forgot to end that rant with WHAT NEXT!!! And you do seem to be admitting that you pay escorts to try to do you even though you have no genitals in your pants. So you have a lot in common with that little dead perve.

  98. Dr. You Nguyen says:

    Yes it appears we have a copycat. Some mental problems result in this phenomenon. And it can be very dangerous. There have been several copycats to serial killers. This makes it rather difficult for the police because they first have to discern the presence of the copycat.

    In this case someone is truly sick in copying the antics of this website’s dead madman; Clive Ng. I thought we were rid of this sick and demented personality. Why anyone would mimic such insanity is beyond me. Clive was crude, profane and sexually depraved.

  99. Dildo Dave says:

    You have it exactly right Doctor You. This fake clive is pretending to be the dead little pervert boy clive. This is the type of person who chases ambulances. Or the person who gets jealous of the notoriety afforded a serial killer and decides to be a mimic. This faker is as horribly outrageous as Clive the Turd himself.

  100. The Hammer says:

    I wonder if CopyClive has other things in common. Maybe he suffers from black fungus of the scrotum too. And the weird fetish of poop-sex. Both clives are sick and disgusting.


  101. Ting says:

    Famous ancestor once say, “Man who follow lead of psychopath devolve into same same same insanity. “.

  102. Slobodon says:

    Hahahaha! Good one Ting. I’m going to call the new fake clive “Son of a Turd”.

  103. clive ng says:

    hahaha I have always a fan club here!!!!even the site closes I am the STAR of hold em strip em poker poker!!!small dick dildo dave when he fuck a girl feel nothing with his small dick!!!! hahaha!!!dr pussy poop has no woman at home he must go to the hospital to fuck died woman!!!!hammer hammer hammer never become intelligent in his lifetime her mom is always on the path to search a man fucking her n give his husband a bottle of whisky !!!!ting ting tong the ring tone can t make poop poop poopiii in the toilet he must take a black dildo put it in his ass hole then ting ting tong poop poop poopiii can make poop poop poopiii!!!!slobondon win slo win bon win don ass break what a dirty name your parent can t search another to find !!! they comment just on me!!!! I AM BIG BIG STAR HERE!!!! VERY SAD 4 THEM

  104. clive ng says:

    Haha!!! I am still poop loving star even after I dead. grandfather of clive still sodmize clive when he dead n make happy when poop poop poop!!! small dick dildo dave put small dick in clive mouth but I not feel anything with small dick until he piss! my mommy mad and put big golf club deep in ass n then I poop poop poop!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  105. manny ng says:

    Stop stop stop!!! Dead brother was mentally sick. But he is gone now. Copycat person is very mean and probably mentally sick too. Let him RIP. Or more likely let him rest in hell.

  106. clive ng says:

    sex toy dildo dave not so bad guy!!! he have small dick fit good in clive ng mouth n ass hole!!! search me often!!! dont stop!!! GLAD TO BE BIG STAR GET SEX LOVE FROM PPL LIKE SMALL DICK DILDO DAVE!!!

  107. Dildo Dave says:


    Your pie hole

  108. The Hammer says:

    CopycatClive is wigging out. What kind of sicko would pretend to be the dead pervert. He better hope the dead little boy’s family don’t get their hands on him or he will get his piles cured.


  109. clive ng says:

    Haha!!! u search me again copy not copy pussy poop break ass hammer hammer hammer on ur head get intelligent!!! hammer that big black dick in clive ng ass hole feel good!!! small dick sex toy put small dick in clive ng mouth not feel so small!!! dr pussypoop fake doctor!!! dirty name slobodon have mother name him poop poop poop!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  110. Slobodon says:

    I wish the copycat would shut up. Also I’m glad that the original clive is dead. I hope he died in pain while one of his relatives brutally buggered him and made him bleed and cry.

  111. manny ng says:

    brother clive was finally cremated yesterday. we did not want to contaminate some place with his ashes so just flushed them down the toilet after defecating. I watched as his ashes swirled around with my turds and then disappeared down the drain. hopefully this is the end of the saga of clive ng. you all won’t have to see him post,”what next “ anymore.

  112. Ting says:

    Ancient ones say, “He who live life talking shit spend eternity in cesspool.”

  113. Dildo Dave says:

    Finally the doper and the little butthole smeller are keeping their pie holes closed! Hooray!

  114. Slobodon says:

    The “little butthole smeller is ashes in the sewer so he has no pie hole at all. And the doper guy said cannot stand being criticized so he probably won’t be opening his tater trap.

  115. clive ng says:

    KICOU!!! dead not dead ashes in toilet!!! evil hammer take clive dick deep in ass hole feel good!!! WHAT NEXT DICK POOP!!!

  116. Dildo Dave says:

    You died already copycat clive. Copy clive now and flush yourself.

  117. Slobodon says:


  118. clive ng says:


  119. SUCKS BIG TIME says:

    KKKKK!!! I search me multi time!!! put multi disease on me!!! stop stop stop shut ur mouth on my big dick!!! i fuck you in ass hole make you poop poop poop!!! WHAT NEXT!!!

  120. Slaine Mac Roth says:

    I guess we don’t get any more games.

  121. clive ng says:

    I then eat you poop!!! Me suck poop from you dick!!! i cum and eat it!!! me poop and eat poop to make you dick hard!!!

  122. The Hammer says:

    Hahaha. The little dead boy poops in his own mouth.

  123. The Hammer says:

    Hahaha. The little dead boy poops in his own mouth.

  124. Jua no says:

    Cuando podemos jugar otra vez

  125. The Hammer says:

    Clive Ng died from untreated syphilis. It ate up his brain.

    It was a blessing since he was such a miserable sicko.

  126. Dildo Dave says:

    Does anybody know what happened to the dead body of Clive Ng?

    Was it cremated? Who got the ashes? Or who would want them?

    My guess is still that he was cremated and then ashes were just flushed down a toilet.

  127. OldPNF says:

    Still hopeful they will redesign this site and bring back the girls.

  128. OldPNF says:

    Every now and then I come back here hoping the site is back up. I sigh when it isnt and piss on clive’s grave for old time’s sake.

  129. clive ng says:

    hahaha still here!!!!

  130. You have received 1 notification № 692. Open >> says:


  131. Keiron1974 says:

    More explicit movements x

  132. You have received 1 message # 610006. Go >>> says:


  133. We send a gift from user. Receive > says:


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