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Our Top Rated Strip Poker Babes (see all)

Valeria 2 - hot poker girl
Valeria: 7.6/10
Marilyn - hot poker girl
Marilyn: 7.6/10
Sapphira - hot poker girl
Sapphira: 7.5/10
Kristina - hot poker girl
Kristina: 7.5/10
Gloria - hot poker girl
Gloria: 7.5/10
Dominika - hot poker girl
Dominika: 7.5/10
Rebecca 2 - hot poker girl
Rebecca: 7.5/10
Isizzu 2 - hot poker girl
Isizzu: 7.5/10
Lola - hot poker girl
Lola: 7.5/10

Candy CHungary

Win rate: 77%

Candy may look sweet, but she promises not to be good, but to be really really bad instead. I don’t know if she’s claiming to be bad at poker, or if she’s getting at something else. I’m sure it’ll be fun either way…

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  1. noob bitch says:


  2. footguy says:

    good feet, great tits. thanks pokerchick.

  3. Gus says:

    FOOTGUY…. great tits? she is a iron table

  4. Gus says:

    footguy = hold’em i’m sure

  5. PNF says:

    I’m with footguy. They might be small but they are very cute tits. Nice legs and beautiful eyes. Her nails need redone but I love them! I’m going to daydream about her tugging me off onto her tits while she stares in my eyes for the rest of the evening.

  6. footguy says:

    thanks PNF. bigger isn’t always better. eye of the beholder, right? and gus, thanks – “hold’em i’m sure” isn’t the worst idea ever. hahaha

  7. master-bater says:

    Indeed footguy understands small but cute boobs although i preffer big ones small ones are nice from time to time.

  8. Rev says:

    Only thing I wish they would of done was use her black dress outfit first. Looks WAY hotter in that.

  9. Pervert says:

    Yes, tiny cute tits… cute, but not sexy for me. I’ve seen guys with bigger ones…

  10. o815 says:

    What is her name, where can i find mor of her? She is so beautiful!

  11. Joe says:

    Another hot babe wasted. Fold is the name of the game, does not go unless she/it has a good hand. Please give the program some radom chance of going a a weak or medium hand, it called a bluf. Hint if she check on the river, then fold. Please bring more risk, this is another by the numbers game. Sorry to be critical of a free site, but the game play does mater.

  12. dxkt says:

    not bad but she folds alot and makes you play and play and play for that she is going to get a good fucking!!!!!

  13. Joe schmo says:

    Cancy C is THE BOMB! I got her naked and she is FUCKING cute and HAWT.

  14. Joe schmo says:

    Candy C is the sexiest

  15. bony habib says:


  16. marmetian says:

    She might have small boobs, but her nice round ass and beautiful face make up for them.

  17. Frenchy says:

    Nice pussy 😉 It looks like my girl friend’s cunt

  18. joe says:

    Pokerchick. At what stage of the game is the value of the girls cards determined – must be 4th or 5th card on the river based on the unbelievable hands dealt. No way is the value determined at point of dealing. I’ve done some statistical analysis on the games played (yes I know, I’m a saddo) and if this was based on a PROPER game of poker these girls would not need to strip or do porn etc to earn a living. They’d all be multi millionaires by now! And my old Dad always used to say cheaters never prosper (He obviously never came to this site). Come on Pokerchick, lets have the game a bit more realistic.

  19. PokerChick says:

    @joe – the girls attempt to work out the value of their hand at every stage. I don’t care what your statistical analysis tells you, there is no cheating involved. The better you are at poker the more likely you are to win: any good poker player will win more than they lose.

  20. joe says:

    Pokerchick. It’s software, not real people. The software is written by people to suit a specific need. The ‘girls’ do not work out the value of their hand it is all part of the program based on values and expected inputs / outputs etc. It has nothing to do with being a good / bad poker player. Even the best poker player in the world would struggle to beat some of these hands. Having read comments from other players they have exactly the same impression as I do. The basic premis of any card game is randomisation allowing all players an equal opportunity to win. The only way to improve the odds in any 1 players favour is to alter the way in which the value of the cards is determined – hence a lot of people saying that the ‘girl’ gets the winning hand on either the 4th or 5th card on the river.

  21. PokerChick says:

    @joe yes, thanks, I do know that we’re talking about software here, having written the bloody thing. Some other players here do share the same, entirely incorrect, impression that the cards are not random, but you and they are wrong: the cards are dealt entirely at random.
    Your ability to win has everything to do with how good a heads-up poker player you are: if you know what you are doing then you really will win more than you lose – although the individual girls vary, the AI really isn’t that advanced.
    The AI does do a reasonable job of determining the chances of winning each hand (taking into account that there are only 2 players involved) and will therefore often hang in with what look like fairly poor hands, depending on what the board cards are. This is why some people moan about losing on the 4th or 5th card, as if it was evidence of something shady: it is not.
    If you were a better heads-up holdem player, we wouldn’t even be having this exchange – you’d be winning most of the time.

  22. Percy says:

    Just come across these comments. Having played quite a few girls (21 pages is a lot to choose from!) and reading other comments I must agree with Joe. He does put across a good, reasoned, impersonal argument regarding the girls seeming ability to always win on the 4 or 5 card. My own experience – I am an able poker player – would suggest that the odds of one player winning in the same way multiple times is quite remote although I can’t back this up in the same way that Joe can.

  23. PokerChick says:

    Sorry Percy, you and Joe, and many others, are wrong.
    It really is that simple – I wrote the code and so I can confirm, again, that the AI has no knowledge of your cards or the cards yet to be dealt: all decisions are made based on the card the girl holds and the cards on the board. That’s it. If the girls consistently make better choices than you about when to bet, check and fold than you do then the fault is entirely yours. (btw, alot of ‘able’ poker players are very poor at heads up holdem, which is what you’re playing here)

  24. Bob says:

    Hot girl. No tits, but that’s OK. At least she gets them out right away. She did get really good when she got down to the end, as usual. Took twice as long for the last piece of clothes as everything else, but there you go.

  25. Mike Oxbigg & Mike La'Taurus says:

    She doesn’t have a lot on top, but we liked the third pic where she shows her great ass and a plump pussy. And then in the last pic, it looks like she just got a creampie and didn’t wipe it clean. Who did that? We can guess it wasn’t Yolanda. Lol.

  26. Bas says:

    Very hot chick, great last two photos. Like @Bob it took me a bit long to get her to remove the last garment. Thanks PC

  27. Sue says:

    Thanks PC x

  28. clive ng says:

    hard player!!!u known u have a wonderful eyes n a nice pussy i like it!!!thank holdem strip poker top game^^^

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